I have a moan...
I've been a spectacle wearer for 35 years, and almost every pair I've ever owned has had the same issue... an issue I'm sure many of you can relate to.

One of your lenses falls out ...
You pick the lens up, only to find the microscopic screw that held it in has, of course, vanished (or at least, due to your now compromised vision, you can't find it)
Now, I appreciate the need for a fixing to hold the things together. I also appreciate said screw is under a lot of stress, the glasses twisting as you take them on and off, the heating and cooling that goes on etc, so that poor little screw works loose. I get that...
So why in god's name put the screw in from the bottom? Just WHY?
It comes loose, falls out, followed a few seconds later by the lens...
Why not put it in from the top? It may work loose, but at least it's got less chance of falling out?
Also, have you people never heard of locktight? Boeing have been gluing aeroplane wings on for years... can you not find a suitable adhesive?
It's not like these things are cheap to buy (aeroplanes or glasses)....
So, if you're a glasses wearer, or you partner is, take a moment today to check your screws. Stick a bit of nail varnish on the threads. You're welcome...