Well, things are busy as ever at Chez Doz.
Keep a watchful eye out for forthcoming projects soon, including part 2 of this, which is going to show a completely self contained 137MHz APT Weather satellite receiver and antenna based around the raspberry Pi. It'll be a while as I'm busy building a self contained web based transmitter for the hospital radio at the moment, and the firmware is giving me a head ache!
Anyway, in the meantime, I've set up the wrong receiver (an Icom IC-R2), with the wrong antenna (a discone) in Evesham, and you can view the (unremarkable) reception on this website ...
Click on Evesham. The Cheltenham page isn't supported as yet.
Stay safe and stay tuned!
***STOP PRESS*** 19/06/2020
It appears epizy.com don't allow "automated uploads" , and have closed my account. I'll make a new post when I find another solution.
For what it is worth, the link to the graphic at the top left corner of your image web-page is broken. My browser shows www.wxtoimg.com when I hover over it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I spotted that and fixed it ;)
DeleteDon't think so. (And I cleared the browser cache before you ask).
ReplyDeleteTry it on another computer.
All good on everything I've used since yesterday afternoon
DeleteTurns out my virus checker is blocking the site.
ReplyDeletePossibly because it has a lot of legacy software on it. WXtoIMG hasn't been developed for some time, and the original website long gone.