
Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts

Friday 10 June 2016

The Pommie Solar Pool Heater.

I've just returned from a trip to Western Australia, to see my sister and brother-in-law.

I had a great time.

Now winter is coming in WA.... temperatures could plummet to 20°C!!

My brother-in-law, Karl, is worried about the temperature of his pool. It's unheated.

"What you need there, Karl, is a solar panel."

"Yeah, but I've been quoted $5000...."

.... ouch.... surely we can do better than that!

So, the evening came, a few ideas mooted over a number of cold beers....

The idea is to get some "reticulation" (or irrigation pipe to the rest of us), which is an inexpensive black PVC pipe. I was concerned about it's longevity when exposed to sunlight, but there's lengths of it exposed in the garden already, and it's showing no signs of distress after a number of years.  We'll get lengths of it, and stick it on the garage roof. The water will be pumped by the existing pool filter pump, which runs for 6 hours a day to keep the water conditioned.

The following day, a trip is made to the reticulation shop, and 25m of 25mm pipe is purchased as a test to see if the pump has enough head to get the water to the roof of the garage. After a bit of faffing about, the pipe is connected to the unused water feature outlet, and water is sprayed everywhere, thankfully some of it showing we have plenty of head to get to the garage roof. A celebration is held by means of rapid consumption of a cold beer .....

... and an emergency fishing trip or two....

So, some more pipe and a few fittings are purchased. A small trench is dug in record time by Karl, and some pipes buried to take the water to the roof, and up to the garage roof and back....

... followed by a couple of emergency fishing trips ...

... finally the array is assembled on the ground...

... and hauled up on the roof....

 secured by steel straps and zip ties ...

... by two strapping guys ;) .....

... and a worried Karl tests the water coming out to see if the barmy Pommie has wasted a few $100 of his money ;)

The pump timer is reset to run the pump from 9AM when the sun hits the roof, to 3PM when it moves off the roof.

After testing the water temperature, it appears to be gaining about 2°C at around 10 litres per minute. Which isn't bad!

So we have a couple of cool beers, and a celebratory fishing trip....

So here's my 2016 Holiday video.....

Thursday 26 November 2015

Can't comment on my own blog!

Well, it turns out there's been a nasty bug on the site for a while, which means leaving comments, or replies to comments hasn't been working for many users (me included). It's beyond me ... it used to work, but I think I've sussed it now (or at least a work-a-round), thanks to

It seems this problem has been around a long while. Fix it please google....

Until that happens, please enjoy the full-frame work-a-round.

Thursday 24 September 2015

A milestone ....

Amazing to reach 10,000 page views!!!

Thanks to all the readers everywhere!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Happy Birthday!

Wow. 1 year into this website.. 5,354 visitors.. more than half of you from the UK.... more than half of you on Windows devices, most of you using Chrome browser.

Aren't statistics amazing? I never thought I'd have more than a couple of hundred hits at most, let alone have people comment and email and enjoy the youtube videos.

Some of my projects have been built into other projects by people, and their results shared on, and so it goes on... and on ...

Most popular project is the Astronomical clock (or pond pump controller), rapidly followed by the DG7-32 'scope tube (which surprises me!), and the Dehumidifier project.

... anyway, when you sit down tonight, raise a glass with me.

Happy Birthday blog!